Oklahoma Cemeteries:
Fairfax, Greyhorse, Burbank, Doga Creek, Foraker, Pixley, and Chapman.
1 & 2 Pawnee Co. cemeteries.
Also, some private family cemeteries.
Obituaries requests researched by staff for :
a copy plus postage & handling.
New Arrivals
Hours: 1pm
- 6pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Director: Marcy Sterling
Librarian in training:
Newspapers-Fairfax/Osage Chief 1904-1925, Overland-Special edition
Fairfax Chief 1924-2008. (Paper copies 2009-present)
Ralston, Ok. Misc. newspapers 1901-1921
Census: 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 Osage/ Pawnee Co. Ok.
First Territorial census 1890, Heads
of families-U.S. 1790.
11th census Veterans & widows of Union Civil war-1890
Our library offers several sources to aid in your genealogy research. We have yearbooks, local history books, local Authors, Microfilms,
and cemetery vital statistics.
All Genealogy searches:
$5.00 fee - plus .50 a copy
Helpful Genealogy Links: